
Feb 02, 2018

CESTiCC engages future drivers at Pearl Creek Elementary School’s STEM Night

Vicky Wolf and Gabe Fulton from CESTiCC joined other community STEM groups on February 1st for Pearl Creek Elementary School’s annual STEM Night. They introduced the students and parents exploring the science, technology, engineering and math activites to some of the complexities of roads and invited them to build roads of their own using special tracks and cars. The roads included asphalt bumps to increase slope, breaks in the road to simulate disturbances like potholes, and more. The students had a great time learning more about roads, and CESTiCC enjoyed teaching the future STEM professionals a little more about something they use every day. 

 PC STEM 2018B


 PC STEM 2018A


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  • Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC)
  • PO Box 75 5900
  • Fairbanks, AK 99775-5900