Oct 22, 2015
Assistant Director Rob Ament Addresses Ecology and Transportation Issues
In late September, researchers, biologists, engineers, project managers, policy makers and more gathered in Raleigh, North Carolina for the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET). Experts from the field collaborated on the most current research information, quality applications, and best practices to enhance the development and ecological sustainability of transportation systems. One of those experts was CESTiCC Assistant Director Rob Ament.
Rob’s research addresses conservation and ecosystem management in respect to environmentally sustainable transportation, one of the five research thrusts of CESTiCC. Along with his Western Transportation Institute colleagues, Rob gave a number of presentations on sustainable transportation ecosystems such as estimating the future impacts of exurban growth and traffic demand on wildlife connectivity, cost reduction opportunities associated with design and construction of wildlife overpass structures, and long-term response of grizzly bears to wildlife crossing structures.
The conference was co-hosted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, with support from the US DOT Federal Highway Administration. CESTiCC was a sponsor of this conference.