Jul 14, 2014
Biomass 2014: Growing the Future Bioeconomy
At the seventh annual conference of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO), Biomass 2014: Growing the Future Bioeconomy will be held at the Washington Convention Center, July 29–30, 2014. The conference is co-hosted by Advanced Biofuels USA.
Dr. Liv Haselbach has been invited to present at this conference. She will be participating in breakout Session 3-D which is titled "Engaging Key Audiences in Bioenergy"" and aims to empower bioenergy researchers and communications professionals to engage and collaborate on communication and outreach initiatives. This panel explores the topic from various disciplines and proposes engaging a variety of audiences to help increase awareness of the role bioenergy technologies can play in a thriving bioeconomy. As one of five panelists in this session, she will provide a ~10-minute presentation on the Imagine Tomorrow model for engaging young people in working on solutions to real-world biofuels challenges.