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Monitoring winter flow conditions on the Ivishak River, Alaska

  • CESTiCC Project Number
    Principal Investigator(s)

    Horacio Toniolo

    Project Dates
    • Start: September 2016
    • End: August 2017
  • Funding Agency
    CESTiCC & Alyeska
    Project Budget

Project Information

During the last two winters the lower Sagavanirktok River has been affected with extensive aufeis formations. As a result, severe flooding during spring break occurred in 2015.  Ongoing research seeks better predictors of flooding in this area. The Ivishak River, a main tributary to the Sagavanirktok River, is ungauged, and aerial field observations taken during winter research on the Sagavanirktok indicated areas of open water along the Ivishak River, potentially a contributing factor in ice formation.  Better data from these subwatersheds could offer better indicators on water movement along the Sagavanirktok.

Picture 1

For more information, please review the Project Information document.

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  • Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC)
  • PO Box 75 5900
  • Fairbanks, AK 99775-5900